George du Maurier

(March 6th, 1834 — October 8th, 1896)

George Louis Palmella Busson du Maurier was a FrenchBritish cartoonist and writer. He is best known for his work in Punch Magazine and for being the grandfather of Daphne du Maurier, Angela du Maurier, and Jeanne du Maurier.

George du Maurier was born in Paris. He had been brought up to believe that his grandparents had been aristocrats who had fled France during the French Revolution. In reality, his grandfather had been a tradesman and had fled Paris and changed the family name to avoid being prosecuted for fraud.

George du Maurier studied art and chemistry in Paris, Antwerp, and London. At some point, he lost the use of his left eye and consulted an oculist in Düsseldorf. He moved frequently, even during his marriage. After his marriage, he stayed in England but still moved several times. He was very good friends with Henry James.

His work in Punch and his other illustration work brought him lasting success as a satirist. When his eyesight began to deteriorate, he turned to writing instead. He wrote two novels: Peter Ibbetson and Trilby. He also wrote an autobiographical work, The Martian. Trilby was wildly successful, inspiring the name for the popular hat, the naming of Trilby in Florida, and serving as inspiration for The Phantom of the Opera.

George du Maurier died at age 62.

George du Maurier is a book author.

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