The year of 1890 CE.

Some facts about 1890:

  • Alice Sanger becomes the first female staff member in the White House
  • Tchaikovsky’s Sleeping Beauty premieres
  • Nellie Bly finishes her 72-day journey around the world
  • Kashihara Shrine is built
  • Scotland Yard moves to New Scotland Yard
  • The Wounded Knee Massacre occurs in South Dakota
  • H.P. Lovecraft is born
  • Agatha Christie is born
This time is part of the Realist.

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The Beast Within


I spent a lot of time in front of the television as a child. It was part of my regular routine before going to school and after I got home. I used it to define days, hours, and seasons and to keep me company while I did homework or studied. My favourite programs (alongside Bugs Bunny, of course) were crime documentaries. This is a review of Emile Zola’s The Beast Within.